Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Update and new pics...

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday. Baby is doing great! Healthy heartbeat at 154 :) Dr. Martin has been watching a mass on my chest since my first appointment and has decided that it's time to see a specialist. I just returned from that appointment and it looks like from the ultrasound that he would like to remove the lump. So that means surgery for me :( I'm confident that the mass is benign but I'm worried about the surgery and how it may affect the baby so please keep us in your prayers. Dr. Cole assured me that the sedation would not hurt Jubebug but its hard for me to give up that control and trust that all will be fine. I have faith that God will keep our little blessing safe and that the surgery will go well.

Other then that things are going smoothly. I'll post some recent pics :)

Here's a pic of my 20 week belly shot!!

Here is the crib...

Here is a close up of the bedding...

And our tall dresser...


booklady said...

Ooo, sweetie, your mother's genes agains. You trust your docs, so I do, too, and we BOTH know God'll guide you, His hands all is well! Love you lots n lots, Mom. AHEIAGE.

Unknown said...

Melissa & Kris,
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and Junebug. We are so excited to have another cousin. Brae and Izzy are looking foward to meeting the new little one. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

In my heart, I feel everything will be fine.Life is full of ups and downs and your going through an up and down all at once. You'll be fine. You are in my prayers. I love you and give your belly a kiss for me. Love Momma Sooz

boaty920 said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys! Looking forward to meeting your little Junebug! Be strong and have faith...

Love ya-
Amy, Aric, and Owen (our little Junebug)

SusanD said...

Hey Cousin!

Thank you for setting this up for all of us. I trust you & Kris & little-one-to-be are well and will be thinking of you from the rainy northwest.

Much love,