Friday, January 25, 2008

Fist post

Hello :) I have seen a few friends do this and thought I'd join in on the fun so that you all can keep track of "little carps" journey into this world. We are about 1/2 way through the pregnancy and things are starting to get really exciting. I can no longer hide this bump on my belly and hope that one of these days real soon I'll be feeling junebug move around.

Our ultrasound is on Feb. 12th and we will be finding out the sex of the baby so that will be an exciting day! Kris and I have started getting the nursery put together so I'll try and post some pics soon. I'll also get some pics taken of this belly so that you can see the progress.

Other then that we are just thrilled that I am out of the morning sickness phase and on to the exciting phases of this pregnancy. We hope you are all doing well!!! Sending many hugs and much love.

The Carps


The Donegans said...

Yeah friend!!! I will be checking this all the time. N & L sometimes make it near impossible to have a decent phone conversation so now I can get Junebug updates regularly:)Sooo glad to hear the yucky morning sickness is in the past. Now onto feeling the amazing movements, hiccups, and somersaults! Love you and baby too!

Unknown said...

I've been so thinking about you!! I'm so glad things are going good.This is such a good idea! I'm so glad to be able to check in on you and the baby updates. Can't wait till we find out the sex. Any names picked out yet?? Love you, lots.