Sunday, February 10, 2008

Surgery Update

Quick Update***

The surgery went GREAT!  Everyone was wonderful at the Nebraska Surgery Center.  I was there for the most part of the day but let me tell you I was ready to leave!!  Both JB and I were starving by 2pm!!  Both the Doc and the PA said that the mass looked like a fibroangenoma (?? spelling) which is great news!  They are still sending it in just to make sure but all in all we feel very confident that it is a benign mass :) YAY!!!  

Thank you for all your prayers.  I have the greatest friends and family a girl could ask for!!!  Keep watching this week because we'll hopefully have a few happy announcements :)

Love and hugs!!!

1 comment:

The Donegans said...

Yeah!!! So glad the surgery went well friend:)