Monday, March 17, 2008

Another Bump....

Kris and I just got back from meeting with a Diabetes Specialist this morning and it was very informative. Yes... that's right... I didn't pass the test :( I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes last week and have been trying to figure out what that means ever since. Basically every pregnant woman get's her glucose tested between weeks 24 and 26. Well apparently my test taking skills are a little rough because I failed miserably. So off to another specialist we go. This one, however, I feel is a true blessing because I've needed to change my diet and exercise (or lack there of) for years and this is forcing me to do so. By the time this baby comes I think the Carpenters will have a new lifestyle in which healthy eating is among our top priority. I have to count my carbs which will take some getting used too but again very important for healthy eating. This first week I have to prick my finger 4 times a day to check my sugar levels then our new friend Pam will look over my numbers and tell me what the next step is. If all looks good then I can go down to 2 pricks a day. If all looks not so good then we talk insulin. I'm feeling very hopeful that I can get this under control so that I don't have to take insulin. I'll keep you posted! The good thing about Gestational Diabetes is it goes away after the baby is born!!! YAY for that!!!! Well... I hope all is well in your worlds!!! Kris and I were soooooo excited to hear of the birth of our newest addition on the Carpenter side... Congrats Aric and Amy!!!! We cant wait to meet Ethan!!!!

Hugs and Love,
K and M

Friday, March 7, 2008

25 weeks!!!

Not much new to report. JB is busy kicking! I'm feeling pretty good and just cant wait to meet our little blessing. Kris and I did the tour of Labor and Delivery this week which was great. It made us both a little nervous but that is to be expected. We will be delivering at Bryan LGH East. The nurses seem great and my Doctor has his office in the same building so it's very convienent for him as well.

I'm posting a picture of me at 25 weeks. It's not a great one but it gives you an idea of how I'm growing. I decided to include my face this time. I'm puffy I know but that just goes along with the territory I guess :) I will also include a picture of our glider that just came in. We love it!!! The nursery is coming together! YAY!!! Well, I'm not sure when the next post will come so for now toodle oo... hope all is well in your world.

Hugs and love,

K and M