Wednesday, February 13, 2008


It's a Boy!!!!!!!!!

We are so excited to finally be able to say "he"!!!! Our ultra sound went great. JB was sleepy (which was so adorable) we could see him yawning and he would have his hand on his forehead like he was saying "oh my what a day". He is measuring in the 58 percentile which is great. Nice and average!!! I have to admit I was a bit nervous we were having ourselves a 10 pounder. I know a lot can change but for now he's right on track at 1 lb. 2 oz. Kris and I were walking on a cloud all afternoon and still beaming today! We're having a son!!!! YAY!!!!!
I also received some GREAT news yesterday regarding my pathology. The surgeon was right... the mass was a fibroadenoma which is a BENIGN mass!! Another Yay!!! It was a great day and I was lucky enough to spend some quality shopping time with my mom which was just the icing on my already delicious cake!!!
I promise to get the u/s pics posted soon!!! I just have to get them scanned first. So check in soon for those if you are interested in seeing JB in 2d :)

Hugs and love!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Surgery Update

Quick Update***

The surgery went GREAT!  Everyone was wonderful at the Nebraska Surgery Center.  I was there for the most part of the day but let me tell you I was ready to leave!!  Both JB and I were starving by 2pm!!  Both the Doc and the PA said that the mass looked like a fibroangenoma (?? spelling) which is great news!  They are still sending it in just to make sure but all in all we feel very confident that it is a benign mass :) YAY!!!  

Thank you for all your prayers.  I have the greatest friends and family a girl could ask for!!!  Keep watching this week because we'll hopefully have a few happy announcements :)

Love and hugs!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

On the move...

Well... JB (Junebug) is officially on the move!!! Last Sunday one of my dearest friends, who just so happens to do ultra sounds for a living, had me come in to her office and check out what's going on in my belly :) Well... lets just say JB was having a PARTY!!! I don't think "it" stopped moving once the whole time we were there. Sarah got some great pics that I haven't scanned yet but I will!! It was truly amazing seeing our baby move around. We did get a few good looks between the legs and I must say we think we may have seen a little somethin somethin... but I'm not holding my breath. We will get the definite answer on the 12th :) I can officially say that I'm feeling JB's movement now. In fact it kept me up for a while last night. I'm sure I'll get use to it but for now I must admit, it feels pretty strange!!
Well, surgery is still on for Friday. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. I've asked a lot of questions and my anxiety has faded quite a bit. The procedure itself takes about 45 minutes and they will check the fetal heart rate both before and after so that makes me feel better. Plus, thanks to Maw and Paw Schwaner we have our very own doppler so we can take a listen whenever we want :) I feel really good about everything and know that all is well!

Love and Hugs!