Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall, Friends and Football!!!

We started out the month with a bang!!! Uncle Ryan came for a visit :) YAY!!! Caden really loved seeing him and showing him all the new things he learned. Mainly just smiling and cooing and wiggling a lot :) But I think Ryan was impressed!


Caden attended his first Husker Tailgate for the Mizzou game this year! Our good friend Lorin sponsored food from Venue and so we of course wouldn't miss it!!! YUMMY!!!! Anyway, Caden loved being around all the red!! I think we have a future linebacker on our hands!!! We'll see :)

As I stated before Bug LOVES to watch football on T.V... so without further ado... here is our little Bronco Fan! Thank you Miss Mandy for the onesie, we now have a new saying in our house "Go Donks!" It's fun to see Caden supporting his loved ones in CO!

Caden and Jack have had several play dates! Here's a cute pic of them just chillin out together! It's so fun to have such good friends with a little one only 5 weeks older then Caden :) I love that they will grow up together!

On a spur of the moment decision Mom, Caden, Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Bill went on a fun venture to Roca Berry Farm. I was pretty impressed at all of the fun things they had for kids (older then Caden) but still it was pretty impressive! I cant wait for him to experience it again when he's older. I must say that he was in such a weird mood that day!! He was alert and checking everything out but we couldn't get a smile out of him and boy did we try!!! It was like he was just trying to take it all in but didn't want us to think he was having any fun whatsoever. It was pretty funny... after Grandpa Doug saw the pictures he now has a new saying when Caden is in a subdued mood.. "He's in the Pumpkin Patch mode". Never the less... we had a good time! It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed spending it with my Son, Father and Mother-in-law!

Normally we get BIG smiles from Bug when we give him smootches...
Seriously... Nothin!!!!

Here he is sitting on his first John Deer... still just checking things out! Not too interested in anything :)

I love this shot... I can just hear him saying "seriously mom... you're making me do this!!!"
All in all it has been a fantastic month :) He had his 4 month appointment October 3rd and he weighed in at 16 lbs 11 oz and was 26 inches. He's laughing now and making so many fun noises!!! We are still waiting for him to roll over but I've been assured that it's okay that he hasn't done it yet :)
Well we hope you are all doing well!!! The holiday's are approaching fast and furious!!! We cant wait to see family and friends!
Hugs and Love,
K, M and C