Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Family Vacation!!!

Well we have successfully returned from our first vacation as a family of 3!!!  We were so blessed to have started our trip in Scottsbluff, NE to visit Caden's Great Grandma and Grandpa Schwaner the day before Great Grandpa passed away!  Grandma was so precious holding Caden, and Caden just loved cooing to her as well!!!  It was a wonderful sight for us to see.  

Then it was off to Denver Colorado to visit Uncle Kyle and Aunt Clara.  Kyle had his big solo art show on August 1st and we were not going to miss it!!!  We were so proud of him.  His work is AMAZING!!! There were so many people there supporting him and he sold quite a few pieces. If you want to see his work go to www.kcarpenterart.com. It was an awesome night and we were so happy that we could be there!!! 

I was also able to visit my dear friend Mandy on Saturday! They have recently moved back to Denver and it was great seeing her and my sweet God Daughter Lauren.  Her little Noah is growing up quite fast too!!!  I cant believe how big both of them have gotten in the year it has been since I was last able to give them a squeeze!!!  

All in all it was a great trip!!! Caden did great and we are about to embark on our 2nd venture tomorrow for my grandfathers funeral.  It has been a busy but wonderful 2 months with our little man.  He is doing great and we feel blessed every day that he is with us!!!  
God bless!
K, M and little C