Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caden Kristopher Carpenter

I know this is well overdue but better late then never!  On June 3rd, 2008 at 5:38 pm our precious blessing was born.  Caden weighed 7lbs. 14.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long.  Here's how it all went down....
The week leading up to his birth I was dealing with high blood pressure and my doctor was becoming a bit concerned.  After doing a 24 hour urinalysis I was diagnosed with preeclampsia so on Monday June 2nd Dr. Martin decided it was best to schedule induction.  As ready as Kris and I were to meet our little man we were a bit nervous at the thought as well.  So Kris and I were off to the hospital at 8pm on Monday night.   Through the night I was given medication to soften my cervix then at 5am I was given pitocin to start things going.  I was having contractions all night long and the nurses were impressed with my pain tolerance... that was nice to hear since I've always thought of myself as quite a wuss! At 7am Dr. Martin broke my water and I was given the epidural soon after.  I was dilated to 10 before I knew and and it was time to push.  Unfortunately Caden was face up and not wanting to come out so after 3 long hours of pushing we decided it was time for c-section.  So within 28 minutes Caden was born and our lives have not been the same since :)  He is the greatest blessing from God that Kris and I have ever seen and we are thankful for every minute we have with him.  Kris and I are settling in to parenthood with so much support and love surrounding us.  We are amazed at each new face, sound and smell that our son makes!!! We hope that if you have not yet met Caden you will get the chance to soon.  
Sending you much love, 
Kris, Melissa and Caden