Thursday, May 22, 2008

Home Stretch!!!

Well... a little over 3 weeks and it's go time! That is if he decides to wait till his due date. Whatever Birthday he decides on is fine by us :) We're ready... or we like to tell ourselves we're ready. There really isn't anything new to report other then I cant imagine my belly getting any bigger, and seriously... this water retention is UNBELIEVABLE!!! I have the biggest feet/ankles I've ever seen!!! Holy Cankles!!! I'm not kidding... you cant see bone anywhere... just one big swollen watermelon attached to my legs :) Awww... the beauty of pregnancy... I'm truly trying to embrace it all! It's going to be over soon and I'm sure as crazy as it sounds I'll probably miss certain things. What that will be I don't know but I'm sure there will be something :) I'll go ahead and attach our most recent addition to the nursery. Kris and I found a picture of wall art that we really liked and figured we'd make it ourselves with the colors that we liked. So here is the finished product! We are very excited about it. I don't know if you can tell by the picture but it's 100% made out of fabric that we stretched onto canvas then ironed on the other fabrics for the tree, leaves and apples. Who knew we could be so crafty! I have to give most of the credit to Kris. He really did all the hard parts of this project. His talents continue to amaze me! Well that is about it on our end. My next post might be a birth announcement! We shall see!!!

Hugs and Love,
K and M